Tag Archives: children
John & Cassie’s Family Shoot
Late in the Fall, Cassie Schuldt contacted us about taking pictures of her, her sweet daughter, and her boyfriend John. We spent a couple of hours out at their property taking photos. It was one of the funnest shoots we’ve done. We had a great setting for pictures and some fun personalities, as you’ll see in the pictures. Following are a few from the batch.
Decker Family Photo Session
Recently, Ginny and I photographed the Decker family in Plymouth, IN. The kids were fantastic to work with and had great ideas. We enjoyed the outing. Ginny really bonded with the kids and says she’d love to follow their lives with photos. She also said she’d hire them to consult with other families on how to do a photoshoot.
Indiana Photographer: Culver U12 Tournament
Last weekend, Culver Girls Academy hosted a U12 Hockey Tournament for three of the best AAA U12 teams in the country with the St. Louis Lady Blues, the Ohio Flames, and the Compuware U12 team from Michigan. As this was a U12 tournament (kids 12 and under), Culver did not participate. Culver was merely a host for the tournament.
Watching the U12 girls was a lot of fun for me as I have never watched a non-high school or pro hockey game. The kids did very well and truly have some great skills that I’m sure will take them far if they stick with hockey.
I’ve posted some photos here. The rest of the photos that I took during the games are located at:
Michigan Sports Photography: Nieces and Nephews Basketball
A couple of weeks ago, Ginny and I traveled to Monroe, Michigan to watch and shoot our niece and nephew play basketball. The kids are young, but they actually had a great grasp of the game and were a lot of fun to watch. All of the kids played well and had a lot of fun. The gym was quite dark compared to high school venues, but with a few adjustments, I was able to get some great shots. If anyone is curious, our niece and nephew are easy to pick out in the photos as they are the tall, blonde kids on the St. Mike’s teams. They are really great kids… and we discovered, they are pretty good at basketball.
I’ve posted some photos here. Others are located at:
Boy’s game- http://www.culverphotos.com/1_22_11_boysbasketball
Girl’s game- http://www.culverphotos.com/1_22_11girlsbasketball
Indiana Portrait Photographer: 60th Anniversary
Last weekend, Ginny and I attended a family reunion to celebrate 60 years of marriage for the Roses. Mr. and Mrs. Rose were surrounded by their children, some of the people who stood up for them at their wedding, and several grand children and great grandchildren. We did some group shots, and then took some shots of the kids as they played. At one point, while I was taking a group shot of the children of the Roses, some of the great grandchildren made their way over to a set of chairs we had moved. One of the relatives yelled, “Get that shot.” I turned the camera just in time, as they started to climb out of the chairs just as quickly as they got into them. It was really funny to watch the kids follow each other from one setting to another. Ginny caught several shots of them playing in the sanbox and on the swing set. Some of the kids played in woods where they climed into trees and chased each other.
We had a great time photographing this family, as we witnessed how special it is when families get together to celebrate a long marriage. Ginny commented that it was nice that all of the families can get together, and one of the great grand kids said, “We do it all the time.” It’s unusual to see such large families getting together with such busy schedules, so we felt we were part of something special.
Indiana Children’s Photography: Eliza and Avery

On Friday, Ginny and I shot two of our favorite subjects: Eliza and Avery. These sisters are beautiful, full of energy, and a lot of fun to hang with behind a camera. Their mom Wendy had them dressed in sun dresses given our high 70s weather. She also staged a picnic on Culver Academies’ campus in front of the lake. The girls were so interested in the nearby rock, lake, and field that they didn’t want much to do with the picnic area we set up, but we did manage to get some keepers. We had a great time capturing them as they played, each in their own world, and a few times with each other. Eliza liked the bright flowers and rock most, but she was cooperative when we asked her to follow Avery, so that we could get both in the same shot. Avery liked running in the grass and by the lake and in her bare feet, she was adorable discovering the open spaces around her. We often say that kids make the best subjects. In these pictures, you can see why. These girls are a joy to be around and we look forward to every shoot with them.
Indiana Child Photographer: Lucy’s 3rd Birthday

This weekend, Ginny and I drove down to Indianapolis for our niece Lucy’s birthday party. She is three years old now. Lucy had a princess-themed birthday party, so Ginny and I picked princess dress-up clothes and shoes for her birthday gift. You’ll see Lucy and her friends posing in these. You can tell from the pictures that the kids ate a lot of cake and had a great time. And in the first picture, you can see how excited Lucy was to have her friends come celebrate her birthday.
Culver Indiana Photographer: Overton Family Shoot
As noted in the other blog entry, today, we shot the engagement photos for Desiree and Dustin who will be getting married in June. This selection of pictures includes their son Gabe, a beautiful, sweet-natured boy who loves his mom and dad. Gabe is a happy child. He wasn’t sure what the camera was all about, but his parents managed to get him to ham it up for us. His aunt Dee helped out, too, as she has a way of getting Gabe to smile.
Culver Indiana Children Photographer: Easter Egg Hunt
This past weekend, we got to spend time with our nieces and nephews, and Ginny decided to do an Easter egg hunt, always a popular thing to do with the kids. It was a little chilly outside, but the kids had a blast, and we shot a few pictures to capture their fun.
Plymouth Indiana Baby Photographer: Mollie
Today, Ginny and I went to Plymouth, Indiana to photograph baby Mollie, the grandchild of a friend of Ginny’s sister Julie. Parents Amy and Chris wanted to get some shots of Mollie for Christmas. Mollie was a great baby and would have no part of sleeping for this photo shoot. We hoped to get some photos of her sleeping, but as long as company was in the house, Mollie would have no part of sleeping. Mollie gave us plenty to work with, as she’s a bright, alert baby who followed her mom and the lens. A few times, she looked so directly at the lens that I thought I was working with a model. She was amazing to capture. We enjoyed working with Amy, Chris, and baby Mollie and hope to capture the next stage of Mollie’s childhood. We know she’ll be a beautiful toddler, as she’s a sweet and pretty baby now.