Tag Archives: gatherings

Culver Indiana Children Photographer: Lucy Quinn Martin

You’ll see a lot of blog entries for Miss Lucy Quinn Martin, our niece and daughter of Angie and Darin Martin. It’s obvious we love shooting our nieces and nephews. Lucy is one of our favorite subjects to shoot, as she has so many great expressions, and she is such a happy child. Lucy is full of joy and expresses it so freely among those she’s surrounded by; she also seems to express what I can only describe as her “brilliance.” As Ginny likes to say, “Lucy is a brilliant child,” and her way of exploring the world shows how how quickly she learns. Capturing her childhood moments on camera is a lot of fun and makes you feel like you can have a little bit of that childhood joy again.

Ginny and I like to use a long lens when photographing candid moments, as kids will forget you are there if you don’t intrude on their playing time and what they decide to explore in those moments when they don’t realize you are there. Lucy will give you ample opportunity to shoot her every expression of childhood joy if you wait patiently.

In these shots, Ginny and I captured her as she wandered about while the adults played a baseball game in the backyard of Ginny’s parents’ house. There is also one of her trying to figure out what is going on with her shoe after a trip to the beach. A thin string was coming out of her shoe, so she stopped in the middle of this field to see what that was about. You can tell she was really tired in the picture. It has turned out to be one of my favorites, as I’ve seen this pre-nap look before, and it seems like Lucy will fight sleep just to figure something else out. Here, the simple thread of her shoe was fascinating enough to take a moment of rest in the field on the way back to the car. 
