Tag Archives: Baby Girl

Plymouth Indiana Baby Photographer: Mollie

 Today, Ginny and I went to Plymouth, Indiana to photograph baby Mollie, the grandchild of a friend of Ginny’s sister Julie. Parents Amy and Chris wanted to get some shots of Mollie for Christmas. Mollie was a great baby and would have no part of sleeping for this photo shoot. We hoped to get some photos of her sleeping, but as long as company was in the house, Mollie would have no part of sleeping. Mollie gave us plenty to work with, as she’s a bright, alert baby who followed her mom and the lens. A few times, she looked so directly at the lens that I thought I was working with a model. She was amazing to capture. We enjoyed working with Amy, Chris, and baby Mollie and hope to capture the next stage of Mollie’s childhood. We know she’ll be a beautiful toddler, as she’s a sweet and pretty baby now.
